Government/City Services
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
About Us
Lodi was incorporated as a city on November 6, 1941. The city embraces its historic past as is evidenced by the historic buildings on Main Street and many beautiful vintage homes throughout the city.
The first white settlers moved into the Lodi Valley from Illinois in 1844 and a Post Office and ferry services across the Wisconsin River were established in 1847. Businesses developed in Lodi and by 1867 the area boasted a general store, a hotel, a blacksmith, a shoemaker, a flouring mill, a framed school building, Lodi’s first newspaper, The Lodi Flag, and a Baptist church.
The Village of Lodi was incorporated in 1872 and in 1900 had a population of over 1,000. Telephone services, street lights, and municipal waterworks became available. In 1915, Lodi’s first City Hall was built at 113 S. Main Street.