Date and Time
Saturday Sep 21, 2024
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Downtown Lodi - Main Street
This event is FREE to attend but food and drinks will have to be paid for with each vendor or tent. VIP Ticket information to come soon!
Contact Information
Heidi LeHew
Send Email

What goes better together than good food, cold beer and great company? Well...we're waiting... NOTHING! This incredible event, located in historic downtown Lodi, brings together so many awesome things at once!
Great food - join one of the many competitions for the day... BBQ Ribs, Smoked sides, chili, pie and even Home Brew!
Cold Beer - We are thrilled to have Bevy back to host a crazy great Beer Garden again this year!
Our vendors will keep you fed, activities will keep you moving, live music will keep you dancing...and all right on the best Main Street in the in the State (we're a little bias but we think we're right). Save the date for the biggest block party of the year!
Event Sponsors