Date and Time
Friday Feb 3, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM CST
7:00 - 7:15 - breakfast and networking
7:15 - 8:00 - presentation and conversation
Free event for all Lodi & Lake Wisconsin Chamber Members
$10.00 cash at the door for all other attendees
Contact Information
Heidi LeHew
Send Email
The Lodi & Lake Wisconsin Chamber is proud to host local author and Leadership & Personal Growth Coach, Jeff Joutras, for a series of motivational conversations. Friday in Focus will be held the first Friday of each month at the Lodi & Lake Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce. In February's educational gathering, Jeff will speak to goals in his Guide to Goal-Getting session. Come learn how to set effective goals and what it takes to reach them! In addition to the great content, you can also enjoy coffee and a light selection of breakfast pastries.