Date and Time
Saturday Aug 17, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Saturday, August, 17th at 10;00 a.m.
Lodi Marsh Segment-Twin Pines Trailhead
Riddle Road parking lot (watch for yellow event signs)
Contact Information
Contact Patti at 608-843-3924 or billpatti@charter.net
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The Ice Age Trail Alliance-Lodi Valley Chapter invites you to join us for our next Tyke Hike on August 17 at 10:00 a.m. During this hike on the Lodi marsh Segment we will have a scavenger hunt to help us notice things in nature. Parking is at the Twin Pines parking lot on Riddle Road--look for yellow Tyke Hike signs. These walks are designed for young children accompanied by an adult, with a focus on noticing things in nature.
For more information call Patti at 608-843-3924 or billpatti@charter.net.